urm... long time no update for this blog..busy jerr memanjang..
ok la entry kali ni is about our visit to ums library..
date: 29. july 2011
peserta: PISMP sn & ks with sir Nazri
objectives of this visit:
- to know the system of their library (coz ours is seems to be traditionally..ops)
- to find jurnal for our course work...(ada lerr x cukup masa,sbb that day the library open until 11.45 a.m only, and we spent a lot of time watched around the library)
- to make inter library loan. (tp x satu pun buku sempat pinjam, masa yg tinggal pun cukup2 utk cari jurnal...padahal i oredi prepare bag besar..hoho)
- to celebrate sir Nazri's birthday (kebetulan ari tu birthday sir, ader lerr makan2..hehe...[part ni yg i like so much])
ok la...start the story:
firstly, we gathered dpn blok science at 7.00 a.m. but as usuall our unit late...huhu..mmg sir dah kenal pasti muka2 kami yg sll lewt..we arrived there at 8.30 a.m. (i guess). hmm..mcm ada kejakunan ya sewaktu itu, nasib baek x ramai org sna coz tym tu cuti sem kan..huhu..then around 9.00 a.m. kami memulakan penjelajahan library ums ni..mmg besar la library ni...banyak lerr yg ditunjukkan. buku2 dari pelbagai bidang, facilities yg ada (mcm cubical bg yg nak study sorang2, bilik perbincangan..dll), tp yg paling smart bilik yg menghimpunkan buku2 penerima anugerah nobel & bilik koleksi perdana menteri (bilik tu mmg cantik lerr)..after that, ada jamuan ringan + birthday party untuk sir Nazri. birthday party ni kitaorang buat surprise..hehe..lepas siap makan, baru la start cari jurnal...punyala rushing tyme tu...11.45 a.m kitaorang keluar..pastu while waiting for the bus, we walked around the ums...mmg sunyi jerr ums time tu, so apalagi kitaorang pown buat cam taman permainan persendirian..hoho...
ok lerr nie jer la for diz kalu ada event lagi, the little elve will add..
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